White-crowned Sparrows
May 16, 2021Click on “White- crowned Sparrows” to see a picture of sparrow comparisons.
My back yard bird for today;
The white crowned sparrow migrates about 2,600 miles to winter in California and northern Mexico. It was nice to see they are back in Alaska for the summer. One of the easier sparrows to distinguish because of the obvious white “crown”. A lot of sparrows just get dubbed with the nick name “lbj’s” -little brown jobs.
White-crowned sparrows will share their territories with Fox Sparrows, but will chase Chipping Sparrows and Dark -eyed Juncos away.
Mostly ground feeders. Lots of brush encourages these guys to stick around. They mainly eat seeds,other plant parts and insects.
An interesting fact about these sparrows is they stay awake for up to two weeks during migration.